You can find here the articles, reports and presentation supports I have done so far (’-FR’ means the document is in french), or visit my Scholar page.
Flamary, Courty, Gramfort, Alaya, Boisbunon, Chambon, Chapel, Corenflos, Fatras, Fournier, Gautheron, Gayraud, Janati, Rakotomamonjy, Redko, Rolet, Schutz, Seguy, Sutherland, Tavenard, Tong, Vayer. POT: Python Optimal Transport, Journal of Machine Learning Research (2021) 22(78):1−8.
[PDF] [Code] [Example]Boisbunon, Maruyama. Inadmissibility of the best equivariant predictive density in the unknown variance case, Biometrika (2014) 101 (3): 733-740.
[PDF]Boisbunon, Canu, Fourdrinier, Strawderman, Wells. Akaike’s Information Criterion, Cp and estimators of loss for elliptically symmetric distributions, International Statistical Review (2014) 82 (3): 422-439.
Kamalov, Boisbunon, Fanara, Grenet, Daeden. PaZoe: classifying time series with few labels, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), August 23-27 2021.
[Pre-print]Boisbunon, Fanara, Grenet, Daeden, Vighi, Schoenauer. Zoetrope Genetic Programming for Regression, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), July 10-14 2021.
[PDF] [Video] [Code] [Results]Avrachenkov, Boisbunon, Kamalov. Graph diffusion & PCA framework for semi-supervised learning, 15th Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN conference (LION15), June 20-25 2021.
[PDF]Boisbunon, Flamary, Rakotomamonjy, Giros, Zerubia. Large scale sparse optimization for object detection in high resolution images, IEEE Workshop in Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), 2014.
[PDF]Boisbunon, Zerubia. Estimation of the weight parameter with SAEM for marked point processes applied to object detection, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2014.
[PDF]Boisbunon, Flamary, Rakotomamonjy. Active set strategy for high-dimensional non-convex sparse optimization problems, International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014.
[PDF]Boisbunon, Canu, Fourdrinier. Criteria for variable selection with dependence, Workshop on New Frontiers in Model Order Selection, NeurIPS 2011. [Article] [Poster] [Video]
Boisbunon, Canu, Fourdrinier. Critères robustes de sélection de variables pour le modèle linéaire via l’estimation de coût, 18èmes Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, September 2011. [Article-FR] [Presentation-FR]
- Boisbunon, Canu, Fourdrinier, Strawderman, Wells. Variable selection: a decision theory approach, invited talk, 39th annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Acadia University, Wolfville, N.-É., Canada, 12-15 june 2011.
Technical reports
Boisbunon, Canu, Fourdrinier. A global procedure for variable selection, February 2012.
[PDF]Boisbunon, Canu, Fourdrinier. A trade-off between Gaussian and worst case analysis for model selection, February 2012.
[PDF]Boisbunon, Canu, Fourdrinier. Report for the midterm review of ANR project ClasSel, September 2010.
Presentations and other
- Poster at the 14th CNES Young Researchers’ Days, October 2014.
- Presentation at INRA Avignon, June 2014.
- Presentation at GDR ISIS Meeting on Nonconvex Optimization, May 2014.
- Seminar at the student workgroup on Computer Vision of INRIA, March 2014.
- Seminar at the workgroup on Statistics of the University of Tokyo, May 2013.
- Seminar at the workgroup on Statistics of LMRS Lab, Université de Rouen, May 2012.
- Talk at the ClasSel Workshop, February 2012.
- Seminar at Cornell University (Department of Statistics), March 2011.
- Seminar at Heudiasyc (UTC), January 2011.
PhD dissertation
- Model selection: a decision-theoretic approach, January 2013. [PDF]